Learn about the structure and function of eyelashes
Eyelash structure
Eyelashes are a strip of hair that grows along the edge of the eyelid, and functions to protect the eyes from harmful particles in the air such as dirt, tiny objects, and sand. Eyelashes are composed of 97% keratin and 3% water.
Eyelashes grow in a cycle, going through 3 main periods: anagen, catagen and telogen. Eyelashes only have a lifespan of about 90 – 100 days. After falling out or being broken, eyelashes will grow back quickly and fully develop in 4 – 8 weeks.
Function of eyelashes
The main function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dirt, insects and other external agents. Eyelashes have the ability to capture and shed dirt or bacteria before they reach the eye. Eyelashes also help limit the amount of strong light entering the eyes, preventing eyes from being glared in bright light conditions.
Besides, eyelashes help keep the eyes moist by reducing water evaporation from the eyes, helping to prevent dry eyes and pain. In particular, eyelashes play an important role in accentuating the appearance, making the eyes attractive and attractive.
Why is it necessary to take care of eyelashes?
Eyelash conditioning is an important part of taking care of your health and appearance. The reason you need to take care of your eyelashes is because eyelashes play an important role in protecting your eyes and helping create beauty and charm for your eyes.
Besides, regular and proper eyelash maintenance will create a more perfect appearance for the eyes, helping the overall face become impressive and attractive.
Notes when taking care of eyelashes
Clean your eyelashes and eyes before going to bed
One of the effective and safe ways to care for your eyelashes is to always clean your eyelashes before going to bed. This will help remove cosmetic residue, grease, and dirt that accumulates on your eyelashes throughout the day.
You can use products that specialize in cleaning eyelashes to make eyelash cleaning more convenient and easier. In addition, when removing eye and eye makeup, use makeup remover cotton and gentle makeup remover oil to avoid damaging eyelashes.
Use eyelash conditioner
Using eyelash conditioner to keep eyelashes soft and smooth and grow longer is also one of the effective eyelash care methods used by many women. Nourishing oil will help provide essential nutrients for eyelash growth and minimize breakage.
You should be careful to choose eyelash care products from reputable brands with positive reviews to ensure they do not harm your eyelashes. Also, before using any eyelash care product, test on a small section of eyelashes to ensure that you do not experience an allergic reaction or irritation.
Besides, a balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help strengthen eyelashes’ resistance and help them grow healthier.
Avoid using eyelash curlers
Using an eyelash curler too much can harm your eyelashes, making them increasingly thin and weak. Besides, you should also avoid pulling or scratching your eyelashes, as this can cause scratching and eyelash loss.
In addition, you should not use mascara or false eyelashes too often, because they can damage your eyelashes.
5 ways to maintain long and thick eyelashes for attractive eyes
How to nourish eyelashes with castor oil
Using castor oil is one of the simple and effective ways to care for eyelashes that women can easily apply at home. Castor oil contains lots of vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6, which help nourish eyelashes from the inside, stimulate eyelashes to grow faster and prevent eyelashes from falling out.
Here’s how:
Take a little castor oil on your hand or makeup remover cotton, then gently apply it to your eyelashes from root to tip.
Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning.
Repeat this every day for 1 week for best results.
How to nourish eyelashes with vitamin E
Eyelash care with vitamin E is also an effective and popular eyelash care method today. In particular, vitamin E is a strong antioxidant, helping to protect eyelashes from harmful environmental agents such as sunlight, dust, pollution…
Besides, Vitamin E also helps improve blood circulation in the skin around the eyes, stimulating eyelashes to grow faster and stronger. Nowadays, you can easily buy vitamin E at pharmacies or large supermarkets.
Cách làm như sau:
- Vặn nhẹ đầu viên vitamin E để lấy ra dung dịch bên trong.
- Thoa dung dịch vitamin E lên lông mi từ gốc đến ngọn.
- Để nguyên qua đêm và rửa sạch vào sáng hôm sau.
- Lặp lại cách này mỗi ngày trong 1 tuần để có kết quả tốt nhất.
Cách dưỡng mi với trà xanh
Trà xanh là một loại thức uống quen thuộc và bổ dưỡng, không chỉ có lợi cho sức khỏe, mà còn có tác dụng làm đẹp cho da và tóc. Trong lá trà xanh có chứa nhiều chất chống oxy hóa, polyphenol và vitamin C, giúp ngăn ngừa sự hình thành các gốc tự do gây hại cho lông mi, làm sáng da vùng mắt và kích thích lông mi mọc dài và dày hơn.
Here’s how:
Brew a green tea bag with boiling water and let cool.
Take a makeup remover or cotton pad and dip it in green tea, then squeeze out the excess water
Gently wipe over eyelashes from root to tip.
Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning.
You repeat this method every day for 1 week for best results.
How to nourish eyelashes with aloe vera
Aloe vera is a plant with many uses in health care and beauty. Using aloe vera to care for eyelashes is one of the extremely effective natural eyelash care methods. Because aloe vera contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which help nourish, soften and smooth eyelashes. At the same time, these nutrients also help prevent breakage and stimulate eyelashes to grow longer.
Here’s how:
Take an aloe vera leaf, wash it, cut off both ends.
Cut the aloe vera leaf into two parts and remove the gel inside.
Apply aloe vera gel to eyelashes from root to tip.
Leave it overnight and wash it off the next morning.
Repeat this every day for 1 week for best results.
How to nourish eyelashes with fresh milk
Fresh milk is a nutritious drink that helps supplement calcium for the body, helping strengthen bones. Fresh milk also contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, which help nourish eyelashes, making them longer and thicker.
Here’s how:
Take a little fresh milk on your hand or makeup remover cotton, then gently apply it to your eyelashes from root to tip.
Leave it overnight and wash it off the next morning.
Repeat this every day for 1 week for best results.